Para mim, o filme de David Cronenberg Dead Ringers (vendido por cá com o nome de "Irmãos Insparáveis") tem para mim a cena mais delirante que algum vez vi como princípio de um filme. Dois putos geek que são irmãos gémeos a especular sobre sexo entre peixes e vai daí... pena não encontrar um vídeo do Youtube com a cena. Cronenberg, mais conhecido por realizado The Fly, parece-me que fez este início de filme de propósito para escandalizar a audiência de modo a avisar que quem ficasse com aversão à cena, o melhor era pôr-se a andar da sala de cinema... porque senão seria capaz de vomitar com a história no resto do filme...
deixo aqui a citação que encontrei no IMDB:
[first lines]
Elliot, Age 9: You've heard about sex...
Beverly, Age 9: Sure I have.
Elliot, Age 9: Well I've discovered why sex is.
Beverly, Age 9: You have? Fantastic.
Raffaella: It's because humans don't live under water.
Beverly, Age 9: I don't get it.
Elliot, Age 9: Well, fish don't need sex because they just lay the eggs and fertilize them in the water. Humans can't do that because they don't live in the water. They have to - internalize the water. Therefore we have sex.
Beverly, Age 9: So you mean humans would have sex if they lived in the water?
Elliot, Age 9: Well they'd have a kind of sex. The kind where you wouldn't have to touch each other.
Beverly, Age 9: I like that idea. Have you heard of scuba diving? It's just new.
Elliot, Age 9: Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus.
Beverly, Age 9: Exactly.
Elliot, Age 9: [noticing girl on porch] Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Beverly, Age 9: Yeah, you ask her.
Elliot, Age 9: Raffaella, will you have sex with us in our bathtub? It's an experiment.
Raffaella: Are you kidding? Fuck off you freaks. I'm telling my father you talk dirty. Besides, I know for a fact you don't even know what fuck is.
[retreats into her house]
Elliot, Age 9: [walking away] They're so different from us. And all because we don't live under water.
terça-feira, março 23, 2010
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